Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Inspired by Little Dreamers

These last few days have brought me much inspiration.  The way my kids dive head first into their passions makes me wanna jump in too!!  I realize passions and interests change and children especially have much to discover about themselves.  But it makes me a little jealous when I see them decide to just go for something even if they are not sure how long their interest will last and they don't sit and overthink with questions like, "Will this be worthwhile? Am I wasting my time? What if I'm wrong??"...

My boys are crazy about basketball but over the last year or two they've really become passionate about the fitness side of sports as well.  They want to be healthy, and get their workouts in.  They will ask me if I think they've done enough for the week and if I think their time put in means they seem serious about improving and being good shooters and good players.  It blows my mind!  I'm thinking to myself "You are 14 and 12 and have spent more time in a gym in one week than I did until I hit high school!"

My 11 year old is just like me in that she has innumerable interests... She loves to bake and cook and craft and paint and sew and arrange flowers and make music videos and play volleyball AND.....   I don't need to go on... But unlike me, she dives right into these interests as soon as she can.  She can come up with anything; find a way to make anything if she really wants to.  She will be the ultimate pinterest and etsy girl one day.  She inspires me greatly.  The other day she was melting old candles to make me a new one in a jar.  And she made a butterfly house.  And a dry erase kitty wall hanging thingamabob.  There is always a brilliant new creation around here because she is a go-getter!!  She's not one to wait until tomorrow or next week or when she has all of the details figures out.  Nope.  Once the flame is lit she starts feeding the fire.  And Oh how that inspires me!!

My baby (she's 5) is obsessed with horses.  She is ALL IN when it comes to reading about them, coloring pictures of them, pretending to be one, playing with horsey toys, and just yesterday was able to take her first riding lesson.  I was in awe watching her on that farm.  She was just soaking in every detail.... the dogs, the horses in the pasture, the little pony just waiting for Olivia to mount her, the gates, the barn, the horsey hoof prints in the dirt...  her entire being was there in the moment.  And I couldn't help but wonder where this love came from.  Neither her dad or I come from horse families.... but like any other talent or passion it could just be something she was born with if it doesn't end up being a phase.  She told her instructor, "I've been waiting to take riding lessons my whole life!!!"  It couldn't be truer.... if only we could all trust and love and be hopeful like children the world would be so much more joyful and pleasant.

But as adults it's so easy to use our busy schedules, our responsibilities and our families as excuses as to why we can't follow our own dreams.  At least it is for me!!  I know I don't have a ton of time to spend on myself if I want to be the kind of mother and wife that I desire and that my family deserves... but I do have SOME.  I think of all of the time in a week that I waste whether is be watching tv, on my phone, making lists, laying around or just time wasted because of how unorganized I am!  I believe with certainty that most of us spend our free time doing what we want. If we REALLY want to do something we usually do.  So it comes down to priorities.  Priorities.  For my kids these priorities are obvious.  For me.... I'm not sure.  I so badly want to immerse my minutes and hours of free time into something meaningful and something that is inspired by who I am.  Just me.  Something that breathes hope and renewal into my spirit.  Something that makes me feel like my baby felt on that horse.  Or how my boys are when they had a hard workout.  Or the look of pride and accomplishment on my daughter's face when she finally succeeded in baking a delicious batch of macarons after a few fails and much research.  They are children and they get it.  Life and responsibility hasn't clouded their quest for doing what they love and chasing their dreams.  And as their mother, their is no reason on this earth why I shouldn't be following in their footsteps.  That's what I'm attempting to do....  find that dream and make it happen!

What dream have you been chasing??

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